GAM Enterprises, Inc.Increase your chances of an interview by reading the following overview of this role before making an application.(Mt.Prospect, IL) Engineering Manager to manage mech dsgn dept.Create prod dsgns & dev new prod lines of precision gearbox using hypoid & spur gears.Modify existing prod dsgns/components.Id probs & implement systms that improve efficiency/quality.Create/modify engg docs like assembly instr, BOM's, process docs, testing/root cause analysis reps & ECRs.Troubleshoot product/app probs & suggest corrective action.Provide tech supp to engineers/technical staff.$87,547/yr.Reqs MS Mech Engg w/ 2 yrs of relevant work exper & AGMA-Gearbox Systems Design & Gear Design & Analysis certs.Mail resumes to HR, 801 E.Business Center Dr., Mt.Prospect, IL 60056.