Nassau County, NY - Hempstead, NY
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Salary: See Position DescriptionLocation : Nassau County, NYJob Type: Open CompetitiveJob Number: 89302010Department: See BelowOpening Date: 02272025Closing Date: 3192025 11:59 PM EasternExam Date: May 3, 2025Fee: $50.00 Salary & Other InformationANNOUNCED FOR:NASSAU COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICESSALARY: Varies by Jurisdiction: BOCES: $109,751 - $146,328 DutiesPlans, directs, and administers the school lunch program in a large school, several small schools, or in a large school district; performs related duties as required. Minimum QualificationsMust be met on or before the closing date:Training and Experience: Completion of two years (60 credits) of education at a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university. For each year, the thirty (30) credits must have included at least six (6) credits in nutrition andor dietetics.andFour years of satisfactory paid experience preparing and cooking food on a large scale. NOTE: Experience, as outlined above, in excess of the four-year requirement, may be substituted for education on a year-for-year basis, including the six (6) credits in nutrition andor dietetics, up to a maximum of two years.NOTE: According to Civil Service Law, section 54 which became effective September 4, 2024, applicants who are within 12 months of meeting the minimum age or attaining the minimum educational requirements following the date of examination, may take the civil service exam, but will be restricted from certification until such a time that the minimum age or educational requirements are met. NOTE: SEE ITEMS NOS. 1 AND 2 OF GENERAL INFORMATION.Supplemental InformationSubject of ExaminationGeneral InformationHOW TO APPLY: ONLINE APPLICATIONS are available at The advantages of filing electronically include the storage of submitted applications in your personal user account and application processing fee payment by creditdebit card.Additionally, our Examination Announcements webpage includes a link entitled Job Descriptions and Job Interest Cards, which offers the opportunity to view class specifications and fill out a form so that you may receive an email notification when an open competitive examination for a particular title is announced in the future.PLEASE NOTE: Computers are available to file electronic applications in our office at 40 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Hempstead, NY from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday thru Friday. In accordance with our goal of making the Nassau County Civil Service Commission a paperless agency, no hard copy application is available.RESIDENCY: SEE ITEM NO. 5 OF GENERAL INFORMATION.NOTE: RESIDENTS OF FARMINGDALE UFSD NO. 22 WHO LIVE IN SUFFOLK COUNTY MAY PARTICIPATE IN THIS EXAMINATION BUT WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR APPOINTMENT ONLY IN THAT SCHOOL DISTRICT.FEE: NON-REFUNDABLE Processing Fee must be submitted for each separately numbered examination for which you apply. This fee must be paid by credit or debit card.CAREFULLY REVIEW THE MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS ON THIS ANNOUNCEMENT TO ENSURE THAT YOU MEET THEM, AS THIS IS A NON-REFUNDABLE PROCESSING FEE. Applications submitted without proper payment will be rejected without review.APPLICATION FEE WAIVER: A waiver of application fee will be allowed if you are unemployed and primarily responsible for the support of a household. In addition, a waiver of application fee will be allowed if you are determined eligible for Medicaid, or receiving Supplemental Security Income payments, or Public Assistance (Temporary Assistance for Needy FamiliesFamily Assistance or Safety Net Assistance) or are certified Job Training Partnership ActWorkforce Investment Act eligible through a State or local social service agency. Active-duty military service members and military veterans shall be exempt from the payment of application fees. All claims for application fee waiver are subject to verification. If you can verify eligibility for application fee waiver, when prompted to submit the application processing fee, choose the Fee Waiver option. Follow the directions regarding downloading and submitting the required fee waiver form. SPECIAL TEST ACCOMMODATIONS: If you have eithera temporary or permanent disability andarein need of reasonable test accommodations, andor are in need of an alternate examination date due to a conflict with either a Religious Observance or Military Service Commitment, please answer "yes" to the appropriate question(s) in the application.NOTE: SEE ITEM NO. 6 OF GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING ADDITIONAL CREDITS FOR VETERANS, AND FOR CHILDRENSIBLINGS OF FIREFIGHTERSPOLICE OFFICERS WHO QUALIFY UNDER SECTIONS 85A85B OF CIVIL SERVICE LAW. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU QUALIFY FOR SUCH CREDITS, ANSWER "YES" TO THE APPLICABLE QUESTION(S) IN THE APPLICATION.VACANCIES: SEE ITEM NO. 4 OF GENERAL INFORMATION FOR INFORMATION REGARDING VACANCIES AND BACKGROUND CHECK REQUIREMENTS FOR APPOINTMENT TO CERTAIN POSITIONS.NOTE: The Nassau County Civil Service Commission has commenced the implementation of electronic canvassing. Canvass letters will be sent to the email address provided on examination applications. To help prevent emails going to spam please save to your contacts. However, you should check your inbox and junkspam folder frequently. The Commission does not accept responsibility for non-delivery or postal delivery delays of US Mail or emails. Some agencies will still be canvassing by US Mail until the transition period has been completed. It is the responsibility of the candidate to notify this Commission, in writing of any change of name, mailinglegalemail address. You must respond to all letters received - MORE THAN TWO NO-RESPONSES TO CANVASS LETTERS WILL RESULT IN THE REMOVAL OF A CANDIDATE FROM THE ELIGIBLE LIST.TOTAL TIME ALLOWED FOR EXAMINATIONS HELD ON THIS DATE MAY NOT EXCEED EIGHT HOURS.SUBJECT OF EXAMINATION: A written test designed to evaluate knowledge, skills and or abilities in the following areas:Preparing written material - These questions test for the ability to present information clearly and accurately, and to organize paragraphs logically and comprehensibly. For some questions, you will be given information in two or three sentences followed by four restatements of the information. You must then choose the best version. For other questions, you will be given paragraphs with their sentences out of order. You must then choose, from four suggestions, the best order for the sentences. Basic nutrition and dietetics - These questions test for knowledge of basic nutrition and dietetics, including such areas as the nutritional value of foods, nutritional needs of the persons being served, balanced diets, and specific foods and their relationship to health. Overseeing food service operations - These questions test your ability to assess the management and performance of food service operations in maintaining standards of quality, sanitation, and service. Questions may cover such topics as food service management practices, large scale food preparation equipment and techniques, sanitation standards for food service premises, holding and serving prepared foods, storing and handling food products, and sources of food contamination and foodborne illnesses.Supervision and training - These questions test for the knowledge required by a supervisor to set goals, plan and organize work, train workers in how to do their jobs, and direct workers towards meeting established goals. The supervisory questions cover such areas as assigning and reviewing work, evaluating performance, maintaining work quality, motivating employees, increasing efficiency, and dealing with problems that may arise on the job. The training questions cover such areas as determining the necessity for training, selecting appropriate training methods, and evaluating the effectiveness of training.Working with office records - These questions test your ability to work with office records. The test consists of two or more sets of questions, each set concerning a different problem. Typical record keeping problems might involve the organization or collation of numerical data from several sources; maintaining a record system using running balances; or completion of a table summarizing data using totals, subtotals, averages and percents. You should bring with you a hand-held battery- or solar-powered calculator for use on this test. You will not be permitted to use the calculator function of your cell phone.Test guide: The New York State Department of Civil Service has not prepared a test guide for this examination. However, candidates may find information in the publication 'General Guide to Written Tests' helpful in preparing for this test. This publication is available online at: NOTE: The use of a quiet, hand-held solar or battery powered calculator is recommended for this examination. Devices with typewriter keyboards such as computers, spell-checkers, personal digital assistants, address books, language translators, dictionaries, and any similar devices are prohibited.NOTE: If you have not received notice within three days of the examination date of May 3, 2025, call the Commission (572-2713).IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CANDIDATE TO NOTIFY THIS COMMISSION, IN WRITING, OF ANY CHANGE OF NAME, MAILINGLEGALEMAIL ADDRESS, OR PHONE NUMBER: INDICATE EXAMINATION NUMBER AND TITLE, AND YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.DISABLED VETERANS: Visit our homepage at to view information (including a downloadable credit request form) on a recent amendment to the New York Constitution regarding the award and use of additional credits for certain disabled veterans on civil service examinations.GENERAL INFORMATION1. APPLYING: Inquiries should be directed to the Executive Director, Nassau County Civil Service Commission. The Commission does not accept responsibility for non-delivery or delivery delays of emails due to issues with your email account. The Commission reserves the right to reject for lateness or to accept applications filed after the advertised filing period.2. TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE: The burden of establishing qualifications to the satisfaction of the Commission shall be upon the applicant. For the purpose of meeting the training and experience requirement of any examination, no credits shall be given for any work experience which is determined by the Commission to have been gained or acquired in violation of the provisions of the Civil Service Law.Where required, certificates, licenses, and military separation papers (DD214) must be submitted with your application. Proof of claimed education, (copy of your high school diploma, Military, GED, New York State or comparable Equivalency Diploma) may be required to be submitted with the application. If education beyond high school is required, official transcripts must be submitted directly to us by the schoolCollege education is considered at the rate of 30 credits completed per year.For open competitive qualifications only, paid experience, if other than on a full time basis will be prorated.Volunteer experience may be accepted if verifiable, and the experience claimed must have been in a structured program. Documentation signed by an official of the agency indicating hours per week, level of work, etc. must be provided.Where additional experience may be substituted for an academic degreediploma, the interpretation of the note, generally, is that for a full substitution, the underlying educational requirement for a Master's degree must be a Bachelor's degree; for a Bachelor's degree, it must be a High School DiplomaHigh School Equivalency Diploma; for a High School Diploma, it must be satisfactory completion of tenth or eighth grade education, as appropriate.3. THE EXAMINATION: You must bring the official notice for admittance to the examination. Approved candidates will be notified when and where to appear for examination. If an application is rejected, the candidate will be notified.CANDIDATES APPLYING FOR EXAMINATIONS ADMINISTERED BY OTHER JURISDICTIONS WITHIN, AND INCLUDING, NEW YORK STATE SHOULD CONTACT THIS OFFICE NO LESS THAN TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE DATE OF THE WRITTEN TEST AS IT OTHERWISE MAY NOT BE POSSIBLE TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS. FAILURE TO PROVIDE SUCH INFORMATION MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION FROM ONE OR MORE EXAMINATIONS IN THE SERIES.Candidates may be fingerprinted at the time of the examination and subsequent thereto, as required.Total time allowed for examinations held on a particular date may not exceed eight hours.Alternate examination date requests must be made to this Commission as soon as the conflictproblem arises; documentation is required, and will be reviewed against established criteria. In the event of illness, written verification from a professional health care provider is required. Generally, the alternate date that examinations can be administered is no later than the Friday following the original test date. The Commission reserves the right, after this announcement is issued, to subdivide the examination andor require a specific passing mark in one or more of such subdivisions in order that a candidate be considered further for eligibility. Notice of such arrangement will be given in the examination instructions.A record of disrespect for the requirements and processes of law, including repeated traffic offenses or disregard of summonses for traffic offenses, is grounds for disqualification for examination, or after examination, for certification and appointment.Examinations prepared and rated by the New York State Department of Civil Service will be in accordance with Section 23-2 of the Civil Service Law.Examinations prepared and rated by the Nassau County Civil Service Commission will be in accordance with the rules and regulations of this Commission.4. ELIGIBLE LISTS, PLACEMENT, AND ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR APPOINTMENT TO CERTAIN POSITIONS: Vacancies: Eligible lists resulting from examinations may be limited to a sufficient number of passing candidates to fill vacancies. Additional candidates may be processed for certification from the lists as the need arises.All eligible lists shall be established for four years unless the Executive Director deems it appropriate to expire an eligible list before the end of the four-year term from establishment.Candidates must be psychologically and physically fit to perform the duties required for the position. Medical or psychological examination may be required.When there is a need for employees to fill vacancies on a part time basis the eligible list may be canvassed for that purpose.Changing conditions occasionally result in certification and offers of employment at higher or lower salaries than those announced.Special Requirement for Appointment to CERTAIN positions in School Districts and BOCES: Per Chapter 180 of the Laws of 2000, and by Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, to be employed in a position designated by a school district or BOCES as involving direct contact with students, a clearance for employment from the State Education Department is required. If you are considered for such a position, you will be instructed at the appropriate time as to your responsibilities in this clearance process (if fingerprinting is required, there may be an additional fee which you may be responsible for). FINGERPRINTING REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT TO CERTAIN POSITIONS: In compliance with various laws, appointment to certain positions may require candidates to undergo a fingerprint check for the purpose of a criminal history record check. If you are considered for such a position, you will be instructed at the appropriate time as to wherewhen such fingerprinting will take place (you may be responsible for paying applicable fingerprinting fees).5. RESIDENCY: To fulfill the standard residency requirements, each candidate for open competitive examination must have been a bona fide resident and dweller of Nassau County for at least one year immediately preceding the advertised date of examination and maintain that residency until appointed from the eligible list established as a result of the examination. Preference in appointment may be given to successful candidates who are legal residents and dwellers of the appointing municipality. Appointing municipalities may, by virtue of local law, establish special residency stances where the Nassau County residency requirement is waived will be specified in detail in the Residency section located in the body of the examination announcement.6. ADDITIONAL CREDITS: VETERAN'S CREDITS (as defined in Section 6 of article 5 of the New York State Constitution): A veteran may be granted additional credits to be added to a passing score of an examination, as follows:Non Disabled Vet: Open Competitive Exam: 5 points; Promotion Exam: 2.5 pointsDisabled Vet: Open Competitive Exam: 10 points; Promotion Exam: 5 pointsThe veteran must have: served on full-time active duty for purposes other than training; been honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstances. In addition, beginning January 1, 1998, the NYS Constitution allows members of the US Armed Forces who are on active duty the right to request extra War Time Veterans credits on civil service examinations. Veteran's credit may be requested for each examination until actually used, for appointment from a list. Credits may be used (the veteran was permanently appointed or promoted as a result of receiving the additional credits) once, with the following exception: If non-disabled veterans credits have previously been used to obtain an appointment or promotion, for eligible lists established after January 1, 2014, disabled veterans may be entitled to additional credits on a civil service examination if they have used non-disabled veterans credits to obtain an appointment or promotion with New York State or a local government, and subsequent to such use, they have been determined by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs ("VA"; formerly known as the United States Veterans Administration) to be a qualified disabled veteran, as defined in the New York State Civil Service Law. In such cases, the disabled veteran shall be entitled to apply for and use 10 credits on New York State and local open competitive and promotion examinations, minus the number of non-disabled credits he or she has previously used. The additional credits can only be used once.SECTIONS 85-A & 85-B: In conformance with sections 85-a and 85-b of the Civil Service Law, (85-a) children of firefighters and police officers killed in the line of duty and (85-b) siblings of firefighters and police officers having died in the performance of duty as a natural and proximate result of either the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001 or in the subsequent rescue effort, shall be entitled to receive an additional ten points in a competitive examination for original appointment in the same municipality in which his or her parentsibling has served. If you are qualified to participate in this examination and meet one of the above criteria, please answer "yes" to the appropriate question in your application for examination. A candidate claiming such credit has a minimum of two months from the application deadline to provide the necessary documentation to verify additional credit eligibility. However, no credit may be added after the eligible list has been established. The text of these sections of law is available on our website at County Civil Service Commission40 Main StreetHempstead, NY 11550(516) 572-1882Benefits will be discussed at the time of job interview.01 Choose which category you meet the minimum qualifications. Completion of 60 credits of education at an accredited or New York State registered college or university (12 credits must be in nutrition andor dietetics) AND four years of satisfactory paid experience preparing and cooking food on a large scale. Completion of 30 credits of education at an accredited or New York State registered college or university (6 credits must be in nutrition andor dietetics) AND five years of satisfactory paid experience preparing and cooking food on a large scale. Graduation from High School and six years of satisfactory paid experience preparing and cooking food on a large scale. 02 Give name & location of High School or GED issuing authority and date of graduation or GED.If you did not graduate - state NONE 03 State the name of your College and state the number of credits you have earned. If you have not earned any credits, state "none".If you have not already done so, you must have your college send this office an official transcript. Foreign education must be evaluated and original results must be submitted to this office by an acceptable evaluation service provider. (Go to or for a list of approved services.) Official Transcript should be mailed to:Nassau County Civil Service Commission40 Main StreetHempstead, NY 11550Official transcripts sent electronically can be sent to: transcripts must be sent directly from the college or college provider. 04 State how many credits in nutrition andor dietetics you have earned.State "none" if applicable. 05 If you are qualifying under Civil Service Law 54, which was amended by Chapter 303 of the Laws of 2024 to allow applicants to take competitive civil service exams if they attain the minimum education requirements within twelve months, you must complete this question. What is the anticipated date you will meet the education requirements?Note: You must contact this office (email ) once you meet the educational requirements. You should have your college, or college provider send official transcripts to this office. You will not certify to the list until this office is contacted and documents are received.Note: If you do not have the required education within one year from the date of exam, your application will be rejected. 06 When giving a job description include: Name of employer, Job Title, Duties performed by you, Start and End Date (MonthYear), Hours worked per week. *Include all relevant experience. Additional experience may not be accepted after the application is reviewed. *Give the average hours worked per week. Example 40 hours worked per week. Do not give a range of hours worked per week. Example 20-30 hours worked per week. You will only receive credit for the lowest amount given. *Part-time experience is prorated*Give the month and year of your start and end dates worked. If partial dates are submitted, you will receive credit for the least amount of time. *If you had more than one title at same employer, list as separate employment. *Proof of claimed self-employment experience is required. Company bills, letterheads, corporation papers, etc.NOTE: Submission of a resume does not relieve you of the responsibility for completing all sections of the official application. The resume is a supplement to the application, not a substitute for it. I understand I must submit all relevant experience information 07 List all relevant experience preparing and cooking food on a large scale.Must include name of employer, your title, dates worked (month and year to month and year), and hours worked per week. If your duties are not described on your profile, provide a description of work performed by you.Note: This section must be completed or your application may be rejected. See resume, see work history, see attached, on file, etc are unacceptable answers. 08 Be sure to read the residency requirements and the minimum qualifications for this exam. The processing fee is not refundable. You will not be able to use the fee to switch to another exam. I acknowledge that I have read the minimum qualifications and the residency requirements for this exam. I understand my fee will not be refunded or credited towards another exam. 09 Upon completion of applying for an examination, you will receive a confirmation email from government jobs. Without a confirmation email, you should assume your application was not submitted. It is your responsibility to make sure that your submission is completed. You will receive an approval, conditionally approved, or a rejection notification within 10 days of the closing date. If you do not receive a notification , do not assume your application was accepted. It is your responsibility to make sure your application was accepted. If appealing a rejected application, your appeal must be received within 15 days the notification is sent. The entire appeal process is 15 days. Appeals will not be accepted after. Do not assume your appeal was accepted without a notification email confirming your application was approved or conditionally approved. It is the applicant's responsibility to make sure their appeal was sent to the correct email address. Do not reply to . A correct email address will resemble . If you have questions regarding your application andor appeal, send an email to . I understand that it is my responsibility to make sure my application was submitted. I understand it is my responsibility to appeal within 15 days a rejection notification is sent. I understand appeals will not be accepted past the 15-day appeal process. I understand it is my responsibility my appeal was sent to the correct email. I understand I will receive an approval or conditional approval notification if my application was accepted. Required Question
Created: 2025-03-02